Trust that real love is the promised gift of being free!!!
Ideally, both members of a couple in love free each other to new and different worlds.--Anne Morrow Lindbergh

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My Gratitude Links from God with God's Help!!

Forgiving others and ourselves John Bradshaw

Carolyn Everett McRae 

Above and Beyond AA

I Started this Spiritual Program
in Honor of my Brother James
Who Committed Suicide
He was a 27 years old a Gay JW- 
Jehovah Witness=Shamed Him 
Not Good!
This is a Spiritual Program using the 
AA 12Step Program as a Guide
- to a Happier Balanced Life.
- AAA 12Step Caring Counselling Clinical Society
-Give back & God gives to YOU..
I was the Ny 9/11 Canadian Angel @ Ground Zero-
My Dream is to start 12 Step Churches - God Not Guilt and
12Step Teen Angels- Addiction affects the whole family -
Heal the families of America and the
 World and you Heal the System.
Stop the Killing of our Children and Friends!!
CaresLifesWisdom AllsortsPetStuff
They call me “Ny 9-11 Canadian Angel
that was on CNN and in the the New Papers
   Counsellor-Life Coach-Volunteer-Minister-Philanthropist

Trust that real love is the promised gift of being free!!!
Ideally, both members of a couple in love free each other to new and different worlds.--Anne Morrow Lindbergh

We cannot possess another's spirit, even though we may desire to do so while struggling to feel love. We must not block one another's invitations for adventure even though we fear being left behind. We won't find the happiness we long for if we've tied another to ourselves by strings of shame, guilt, or pity.

Being free to love, or not, is the only path to real love. A trapped butterfly soon loses its splendor - and life; likewise, a trapped lover quietly awaits the relationship's death.

Traveling separate, yet parallel, paths keeps a relationship vital. Bringing fresh ideas, favored hopes, and fruitful experiences to each other's attention is the enhancement a relationship must have to stay strong.

Let's not corner our partners but instead trust that real love is the promised gift of being free.

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