
Showing posts from June, 2020

Ny-9-11Angel Needs help2TAKE DOWN 2 FALSE INFO SITES!WORDPRESS&BLOG "Carolyn Everett McRae's" Death Threats!By Woldwide Bully-Scammer 50ID's etc! Reported. FAKE Wordpress Page!!! About Victim The 71-Philanthropist-Volunteer-Minister

12 Step = In the sight of God, we are all equal Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back into the same box.~Italian proverb Much of our time has been spent saying, “I’m not good enough for that job,” “She’s too good for me,” or “I don’t deserve that compliment.” Sometimes we have been very status-conscious because underneath we felt unworthy. Many of us have taken either superior or inferior roles with everyone we’ve dealt with. We ended up with no one who could be our peer or our friend. True humility occurs when we stop shaming or inflating ourselves and begin accepting ourselves as no worse and no better than anyone else. Then all people are our peers. At our meetings, our powerlessness puts us all in the same box. In the sight of God, we are all equal—and the status games that used to seem so important are ultimately silly. Today, I will remember we are all brothers and sisters in the sight of God. AAA 12 Step Caring Counselling C.Society J
I’ll accept the insecure feelings that are part of life. 12 Step Man’s real home is not a house but the road, and life itself is a journey to be walked on foot. ~Bruce Chatwin We often say that one of our main needs in life is security. We want to be able to predict and control how things will play out. The problem with this view is that even when we gain more control, it doesn’t generally make us feel deeply secure. If we accept security as our goal, we are soon on an endless search for more. A much wiser goal is to walk the road of life, accepting that it is always insecure. Happiness isn’t found by pursuing happiness, and a sense of security isn’t found by grasping for more security. They are both found by indirect means. We find security by making peace with our insecurity and by trusting our Higher Power to care for our lives. We find happiness by taking on work that has meaning beyond ourselves. Today, I will walk on foot the journey that has meaning and valu