Ninth Step =Tact is honest selectivity.

AA Step 8 and 9 Making Lists and Amends - YouTube

Jan 11, 2016 - Uploaded by The Laughing Man
In this vid we look at step 8 and 9 of AA and how they want you to debase yourself and make amends to ...

Step 9 Alcoholics Anonymous - YouTube

Jun 12, 2015 - Uploaded by Treatment Addiction Centers
Step 9 Alcoholics Anonymous ... Bob D. - AA Speaker - "Powerless over alcohol and Step 1 of Alcoholism ...

AA Speaker - Bob D - Saturday Part 6 - Step 8,9 - YouTube

Jul 26, 2015 - Uploaded by AA Speaker
Bob D - London, Ontario - Experiencing Sobriety -uploaded in HD at

Alcoholics Anonymous | Step 9 Reading 12 & 12 | - YouTube

Sep 6, 2011 - Uploaded by Don DonInLondon
Step Nine "Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or ...

Alcoholics Anonymous - Steps 6, 7, 8 and 9 - Back to Basics - YouTube

Mar 3, 2013 - Uploaded by AA100011
Alcoholics Anonymous - Steps 1, 2 and 3 - Back to Basics Alcoholics ...

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Ninth Step =Tact is honest selectivity.
Reflection for the Day

When we take the Ninth Step, we must be willing to be absolutely honest. Obviously, though, indiscriminate "absolute honesty" would blow the roof off many a house and entirely destroy some relationships. We must hold nothing back through deceit and pride; we may need to hold something back by discretion and consideration of others. Just when and how we tell the truth - or keep silent - can often reveal the difference between genuine integrity and none at all. Am I grateful for the products of truth which, through the grace of God, I have been privileged to receive?

Today I Pray

May I have the wisdom to know the fine-line difference between tact and dishonesty. In my eagerness to make restitution, may I not be the charmer, the flatterer or the crawler who insists, "You're so good, and I'm so bad." All are forms of dishonesty and hark back to the role-playing days of my active addiction. May I recognize them.

Today I Will Remember
Tact is honest selectivity.

You are reading from the book:A Day at a Time (Softcover) by Anonymous


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