
Showing posts from September, 2016

Trump's various insults Republican women are refusing to back the controversial nominee

Girls Looking in the Mirror While Trump Mocks Women's Appearances Wow. Clinton's Newest Ad Shows Girls Looking in the Mirror Clinton's Newest Ad Shows Girls Looking in the Mirror While Trump Mocks Women's Appearances Wow. Mirrors | Hillary Clinton SUBSCRIBE for the latest news and updates from the Hillary Clinton campaign ►  Watch more videos from Hillary Clinton!►  https://www.yout. .. YOUTUBE.COM Posted by  CaresLifesWisdom AllsortsPetStuff   Posted by  CaresLifesWisdom AllsortsPetStuff  

Trump Cannot Pass Debate Test If He Repeats These Debunked Lies

Clinton Campaign: Trump Cannot Pass Debate Test If He Repeats These Debunked Lies In a prebuttal to the first presidential debate, Hillary for America officials today released a damning list of Donald Trump’s most discredited lies from the campaign so far, and said that repeating these false claims would make it impossible for him to get a passing grade in Monday’s critical test before the voters. According to  PolitiFact , a whopping  70%  of Trump’s claims are untrue. “Debates are about each candidate laying out their vision for America, not making things up. Donald Trump has shown a clear pattern of repeating provably false lies and hoping no one corrects him. Voters and viewers should keep track: any candidate who tells this many lies clearly can’t win the debate on the merits,” said HFA Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri. Trump’s Seven Deadly Lies FALSE: Trump opposed the Iraq War. Washington Post : Trump: “I was totally against the war in Iraq.”...